Sunday, November 9, 2008

Camp Creek Retreat

The older I get the faster time flies...I have heard the whole logical explanation for that very real sensation...but doesn't make it less curious. When you are anxious for a date or an event...times creeps...but when you aren't thinking about time... the months on the calendar change in the blink of an eye. It is already November! How on earth is that possible?

Last weekend two precious friends of mine and I went to Camp Creek for a spiritual retreat with my sister in law and a few of her friends. Camp Creek, all by itself, is a spiritual place. My buddies trusted me to drive...through Dallas...and into the dark Halloween night to a remote location. They were a little I turned into what appeared to solid woods...through an arch of overhanging trees...into an opening where this wonderful secluded cabin lay nestled in the trees overlooking a moonlit lake. Instantly, they were drawn into the charm our secret place. It doesn't belong to us....but Jim's brother and his wife are so generous to allow us to visit it often. They have opened their heart to ours on many occasion...and we are eternally grateful.

My sister in law has just recently lost her sweet daddy. I feel and understand her hurt...but it doesn't make it any easier for her. She is also struggling with other life burdens...and truth be known...we were all there to minister and love on her. We went there to give...and we left there filled up. We prayed together...studied the Word together. We sang songs by the lake...and shared communion. We spent some quiet time...and we laughed until our ribs were sore in the evening. It was a special time.

We were mothers, wives, sisters...and friends. Women know how to bond! We just open up our hearts and let it all spill out...and suddenly strangers become friends...and friends become sisters. God loved on us ...through the silver horn of the moon, the pink sunset, the breeze, the deer, the sounds of the blue heron... the sunshine and the clear, chilly nights with the mass of stars in the sky. Soon it was over...and we all departed to return to real longer secluded but totally included in the business of daily life. We can't remain hidden away forever...but we can take mental images with us...and refer to them when we need to hide away for a moment. We can create Sabbath moments to sustain us until we are able to return again. AND....someday we will experience Sabbath for all eternity. Isn't God good!

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My first grandbaby! Miss Shelby Grace...

My first grandbaby! Miss Shelby Grace...
Gabby holding Shelby...what a little baby doll!

Second grandbaby! Miss Emma Grace!

Second grandbaby! Miss Emma Grace!
More than I can say "Grace" over... :)


Watering Daddy Bob's tree

Princess Shelby

Princess Shelby
Castles and ponies!

Princess Emma

Princess Emma
Tutus and feathered crowns...