Sunday, November 30, 2008


Thanksgiving was different this year...good different... but different. We headed north to be with our youngest Amy and her husband Greg. They are newlyweds...but have yet to set up housekeeping and live together. They married in May and have been on the road ever off the kindness of others until December 13th when they graduate Dr. and Dr. Johnson! This rotation Amy is living with Jim's cousin in Colorado so....we headed north to spend some much needed family time with the Colorado cousins. It also was an opportunity to visit with Jim's aunt. She is in an assisted living and is declining so seeing her once again was a very good thing.

Thanksgiving reminds us to be thankful...and we are. We don't limit our thankfulness to the end of November. I am very thankful each and every day for the many blessings that have been given to me. I sometimes wonder how I ended up the United this time period. I could have been born anywhere on the earth....during any period in history....and here I am. I think that is an amazing realization...and I am thankful.

I married a kind and gentle amazing it is that I found him and he found me and that we still share a secret smile when we see each other across a room. We were blessed with three amazing children....not perfect....but precious. I wouldn't trade a one of them for any other youngun's in the world. And now they are marrying and multiplying and their children will be as equally precious to us.

I am reminded of how much family means to us. In Africa there is a common saying... "it takes a village to raise a child" does. We are witnesses. For three months Amy has lived with the Colorado cousins, before that she and Greg were living with my aunt. There have been many family members to help out my kids along their way. My mom and dad sent each of them $20 every Monday while they were in college. They all remember looking forward to that spending money each week. Jim's brother Don and his wife, my sweet sister in law, Becky have provided a roof and support along they way for a couple of our kiddos when they were searching and trying to find their way. My mother's aunt Mary helped all of them...and me with scholarships each semester to attend Abilene Christian University. Penny, my cousin and her husband have housed one or two...and they have provided much needed furniture when any of them were in need. a couple of weeks, my brother will house Amy and Greg as they survive their final week before graduation. They just needed one more spot to lay their head before becoming employed!

What a gift our loving extended families have been! I am hoping and praying that we will be able to give in return when any one of them are in need....whether it be a roof, some furniture...or a few dollars. I have been blessed....and I pray I can be a blessing to someone else. God is so good...and our family is so thankful!

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My first grandbaby! Miss Shelby Grace...

My first grandbaby! Miss Shelby Grace...
Gabby holding Shelby...what a little baby doll!

Second grandbaby! Miss Emma Grace!

Second grandbaby! Miss Emma Grace!
More than I can say "Grace" over... :)


Watering Daddy Bob's tree

Princess Shelby

Princess Shelby
Castles and ponies!

Princess Emma

Princess Emma
Tutus and feathered crowns...